Saturday, May 28, 2005


Getting High with 10010101010

Ah...taking a break now..this job is a test of my patience, especially with super-on discussion groups. Ger and I have finally finished one Project Work topic consisting of 10 Project Groups. Erm..we still have 60 over groups to go. *_* Getting a bit blur and restless. Fortunately, we can crap and laugh. Oops, not sure if the technicians at the other end can hear us. hee...

Haha, the technicians must be thinking “今天那两个女生怎么那么吵?”
Sounds like a very boring job. So unlike mine, I can get heart attack anytime.
Hahahah! "exciting" sia...

Didn't know 10010101010 can be so addictive. does get boring after a while. Fortunately teaching is not!

Ray, maybe you would like to try for a day. haha :)
Nay, I dunwan to get addicted =P
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