Friday, October 08, 2004


I'm back...

Yes, it's almost 2 weeks since my last entry. I'm still alive, and my blog is surviving still. ;p Hehe..Decided that it's time to post something after lazing for a while. Would like to share about a book I finished reading sometime ago, and it has challenged me to be different in an indifferent world. 'Distinctives' by Vaughan Roberts is a great book that reminds Christians to stand firm for the gospel and living it out in their lives. I've always found Roberts' books clear and easy to read, not too cheem for me at least. Ok ok, perhaps I'm just lazy to think. haha..He has aptly touched on the different topics, contentment, purity, holiness etc. The one on relativism in this world is something which is helpful for us to think through. Sadly, we are living in a world where everything is acceptable and nothing is absolute. In fact, this has crept into our churches, our lives so much that we may not be aware of it! We agree with teachings so long as they are quoted from the Bible, which sadly, may be taught out of context. We agree with everyone's views when it comes to studying the Word, but do we look to the absolute truth? For those who observe what is happening around the churches, it is clear that this situation is not getting any better, in fact, worse. Let's put on our guard against false teachers, and may we encourage one another to stand firm for the gospel, so that we can guard ourselves against all the seemingly truths around us!

Something light to end off this entry... :)

10 Biggest Brain Damaging Habits:

1. No Breakfast
2. Overeating
3. Smoking
4. High Sugar Consumption
5. Air Pollution
. Sleep Deprivation
Sleep allows our brain to rest. Long term deprivation from sleep will accelerate the death of brain cells.
7. Head covered while sleeping
8. Working your brain during illness
9. Lacking in stimulating thoughts (Serious Bible Study definitely helps)
10. Talking rarely
Intellectual conversations will promote the efficiency of the brain.

Are your habits here? ;p

nice balance of serious and fun stuff in this entry :) Where did you get the list from? Think you might have missed out over-consumption of coffee(caffeine) in that list! :p lecturer gave it to us...
lao shi... finally u write again! haha..

u missed another thing out: TOO MUCH COKE!

Mine're 1, 4, 5, 6

for 7, head covered with hair counted anot? ;)

And the words "too much" don't go with "Coke"! hahahah
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