Wednesday, July 28, 2004


Back to Reality

Quite a lot to share since I haven't been blogging for the past few days..heh..first of all, conference was great! Learnt a lot from the faithful teaching by David Jackman and Tony Payne. Changed my understanding of certain passages, esp 1 Cor 13. It's not THE passage for weddings, as much favoured by many. ;p Understanding it in context of 1 Cor opens up my eyes to see how it all fits in..and really challenges me to exercise my gifts in love, and to truly just love those around me.
Met one of my NIE Chinese lecturers..really a pleasant surprise. It was encouraging to hear about her service to God and others, and also making the effort to invite fellow colleagues to church.. :)  
Learning God's Word and fellowshipping with other Christians...great weekend. :)
Now...back to reality.
Realised I was not too prepared for school as I was still searching high and low for my not updated timetable, packing my pencil case..and hey..what do i need to bring again?? haha..sigh..the thought of listening to lectures and doing countless projects was quite daunting. ;p oh goes on. I'm paid to study..if that's a form of motivation.

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